We can bend pipes from Ø6 to Ø100 with thicknesses from 0.4mm to 10mm with dedicated machines depending on the type of material, thicknesses and diameters required. A wide range of bending matrices covers most of the required medium radii.
We can bend pipes from Ø6 to Ø100 with thicknesses from 0.4mm to 10mm with dedicated machines depending on the type of material, thicknesses and diameters required. A wide range of bending matrices covers most of the required medium radii.
In 2010, we installed a 60 Kvp photovoltaic system that allows us to produce an average of 55,000 Kw annually and meets a good portion of the company's daily needs.
Sede Legale Uffici e Stabilimento
Via dell' Erica, 26 (zona industriale) - 28017 San Maurizio d' Opaglio (NO)
Telefono e FAX
0322.915880 - 0322.915887